London House – Goodenough College
London House – Goodenough College
Goodenough College provides residential dwellings for postgraduates from the world over studying in London. The educational facility is historic in its own right. The Grade 2 listed building was stripped bare and we rewired the entire building. The specification called for all the conduit to be rewireable for future-proofing purposes.
All 9km of conduit was chased and buried within the building fabric. The installation comprised of the following: 304 dwellings; 4 staircases; all new landlord distribution equipment; mechanical supplies for all plant; small power and lighting throughout, including in the Great Hall, Churchill Rooms, Library and other heritage areas; new kitchens and butteries; the bar, reception and offices on the ground floor.
Our team worked tirelessly to finish this colossal task that was condensed into a 9 month program, ready for re-opening at the term start in September. We finished the 1st fixing all all 304 dwellings 1 month ahead of our submitted program, which put us in good stead for completing the project in a timely fashion.